Building a Clay Wood Fired Oven - Stage 2 The Oven

So now the base is made the oven can be built on it. 

As mentioned on the base post no insulation between the base and the oven floor is a big mistake.

A sand former for the dome is required for support, also so it ends up being the correct shape inside when you finish making the dome. 

Sand former as yet unfinished when completed it is covered with wet newspapers to create a layer between the sand former and the first layer of the dome. This first layer of three is made from a sand and clay mix.

The clay and sand mix for the first layer is mixed together at a ratio of 2 of sand to 1 of clay. Its hard work I used a large piece of hard board which you can see in the background in the sand dome photo above. The best way to mix it is with sturdy boots on and you stand on the clay and twist your heel so it mushes into the sand. Its a good work out.

The newspaper can be seen here and the first layer of the oven is almost complete. The clay sand mix is made into manageable lumps and built up from the base up supported by the sand dome former.

First layer complete we now have a dome.

Next major requirement is a door to put food and wood in. After a few days letting the first layer dry a bit, a door was cut out. The sand was slowly removed partially to allow for lighting a small fire to help dry out the dome. This is where it can collapse if it has not been made correctly or it is still too wet. The stack of blocks around it was to make sure the cover that had been on it for a few days did not put any stress on the dome. The height of the door way is important it should be approx 65% the internal dome height of the oven. So the fires can burn well and all the heat does not spill straight out of the oven before heating it correctly

A brick and clay entrance was fitted to give the oven more cooking space, and a chimney so it looks nice. Made a basic support from plywood to support the bricks with clay and sand mix in between.

This arch was then joined to the main body of the oven and a chimney was formed around an off cut of waste pipe.

Second layer was added to the oven which is a mixture of clay, water and wood chippings (i.e. animal bedding). This is supposed to give some insulation to the oven. Its also very messy but great fun.

Then the building site gets invaded by unwanted help.

Another firing of the oven to dry it out some more. These are supposed to be small fires but as you can see I got a bit carried away. You can see some of the newspaper which has still not burnt off the clay interior of the oven.

A third layer was added just like the first one to complete the build of the oven.
Due to my large fires early on cracks did appear in the oven but these did not effect its use.

It may look cool but this is an over fired oven its wasting heat and its causing undue stress on the dome. Eventually I got a cover for the oven as in this state its not water proof. Some people render them with water proof render.

 I used this oven for over four years, it has since been replaced.
