Pain au chocolate

See croissant post for dough recipe.

1. Roll out the dough on lightly floured surface so the dough is a rectangular shape to about 1/2 cm thick. Cut out long rectangles from the dough using a sharp knife or dough cutter/scraper. Stretch the dough slightly of the shape slightly and roll the smaller width up towards the end. When rolled up push down slightly on the croissant to stop it unrolling.

The rectangles are for the Pain au chocolate 

2. Glaze the dough all over with the egg yolk. Place on a tray lined with baking/grease proof paper. Cook in a pre heated oven to gas mark 6, 200°c for 15 minutes until golden brown. 

Or store the Pain au chocolate for a later date, place all Pain au chocolate to store on a tray which will fit flat in your freezer. Store the tray in the freezer until they are fully frozen then place all of them in a freezer bag and put it back in the freezer. To cook from frozen place the frozen croissants on a baking paper lined tray and leave in the oven overnight to defrost. Cook as per 2. Above.

This dough takes a while to make but they are very easy to store for enjoying later.
