Sourdough Duchy Charcuterie's Beef 'Nduja Focaccia

My previous go at Sour Dough Focaccia was nice and tasty so I thought I would give it another go.

After meeting Marc from Duchy Charcuterie on a recent course in London (more of that in a future post). I ordered some of his simply fantastic charcuterie. We have had many charcuterie based meals since we had our delivery from Duchy Charcuterie.

Even making a fantastic pizza with his BBQ Salami, which was agreed by all who came over for pizza to be fantastic.

The latest focaccia uses his ridiculously  addictive Beef 'Nduja spicy and so full of flavour. That and the pork version has been on every thing from burgers to breakfast I cant get enough of it.

So using the standard recipe from the Perfect Loaf for focaccia, I just stuffed it full of Beef 'Nduja.

25 minutes later,a tasty treat emerges from the oven.

I am not affiliated with Duchy Charcuterie just a very happy customer. 
